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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Basic Search Engine Optimization SEO Strategies for All Bloggers

These basic search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for all bloggers can help to increase your blog rankings on major search engines. Follow them routinely, and you will achieve consistently higher volumes of traffic to your blog. Profitable bloggers know that search engine optimization (SEO) is an important element of optimizing their blog and how effectively they implement it determines whether they succeed in making money online or not. SEO helps your blog rank high on search engine results pages, such that you get more visitors, or traffic, directed to your blog by the search engines. The process of SEO involves the effective use of keywords and keyphrases in your blog content.

Search Engine Optimization Below are basic SEO strategies that will optimize your blog content and help you appear higher in the search engine results which means more visitors to your blog. – Know all your keywords and keyphrases and use them effectively on your blog. The more optimized your use of keywords and keyphrases, the higher your blog will appear in the search engine results. When your blog can be found on search engines, (the higher in the results the better) it means that you will get a lot of traffic to your blog.

– When designing and building your blog, make sure that your keywords and keyphrases are included in your blog headings and sub-headings. – Use only high quality, unique and fresh content on your blog. Duplicate content can result in your blog being penalized by search engines. Using only fresh and unique blog content will get you noticed by the search engines and they will list you quicker and higher in the results.

– Submit your blog to blog directories both in your niche and in general directories as well. This gives your blog even more creditiblity with the search engines and will only help to increase your exposure and traffic. – Create links with other related blogs.

If your blog is linked to other blogs where you would expect your target market to visit, the popularity of your blog increases. Create one way links by submitting articles and participating in relevant forums and make sure that you include your blog URL. – Blog regularly using fresh, unique content and the keywords and keyphrases for your niche. Blogging regularly activates the search engine spiders to visit your site each time you post new blog content.

The more regularly you post, the more often the search engines visit, the higher you rank for your niche. It’s important to realize that the search engines want and need to satisfy their customers - and they do that by providing high quality results in response to their visitors search requests. If your blog delivers consistent, unique content, that is indexed effectively by good keyword and keyphrase usage, EVERYBODY WINS! These basic search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for all bloggers can help to increase your blog rankings on major search engines. Follow them routinely, and you will achieve consistently higher volumes of traffic to your blog.

Easy Blogs R Us is passionate about helping other bloggers and online marketers learn, save time and money, and most of all, succeed. Visit us today for a complimentary audio of Essential SEO Tips.

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