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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Discover Super Options By Using Paypal

By using Paypal, many have made a statement against dishonest scams and outright theft. PayPal has more rules than the IRS. That is because everyone on the internet is not honest. In this article, we are going to pick up with the next section of "My Account" which is the "History" section. The History section is the most complicated section of the whole Paypal site. That is because here you can get a report on just about any piece of information.

Click on the History Box on the My Accounts page. You'll be taken to a page that may look a bit daunting, don't worry! I'll walk you through it one step at a time. Go to the line that says "Monthly Account Statements." Your statements go as far as 3 months back.

First, choose the date you want. Click on the "view" box. You will see your beginning and ending balance for that month. You will also see all the transactions that took place during the month. These are the number of transactions per day along with the dollar amount and other pieces of information including fees and other credits and debits.

By clicking on the actual date of the summary transactions you can get the individual transactions for that particular day. This is a really nice feature if you want to track down a particular item. Under the monthly account statements option you will find a search option. This is where you can use a number of filters in order to find specific types of transactions and transactions for a certain time period. There are a number of options associated with the search function.

We are going to cover them briefly. You should at least be somewhat familiar with how they work. Some get so involved. It would be very difficult to go into some of them in any great depth. PayPal did a great job with this but it can be a bit overwhelming when you first look at it.

Show, is where you choose the type of transaction that you want to show. It is a drop down box that gives you a number of options. Such as; All Activity, Advanced or Simple View, Show All Payments, or only Show Payments Sent of Payments Received; Show payments for a particular email account; mass payments, money requests, funds added, funds withdrawn, referrals, fees, subscriptions, dividends, bill pay transactions, refunds and a ton of other options. The list is enormous. In, is where you can choose the kind of currency you want the transactions to be shown in.

Your choices are US Dollars, Euros, Pounds Sterling or All Currencies. Within, is where you can choose a quick time frame for the transactions you want shown. Your options are the past day, week, month or year.

From, is where you can choose your own time frame. You can choose the month day and year from and the month day and year to. So if you want to run a report from January 1, 2007 - February 28, 2007, you can do that. After you have chosen your criteria, you simply click on the search box and you'll get your report, literally within seconds.

There is no payment processor more popular or more widely used than PayPal. By using Paypal, you are increasing your chances of earning an income online by a wide margin. Follow this link to a superior home business; giving away free exclusive websites: http://www.clefinfodesigns.com/payment

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