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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Funded Proposal MLM And Lead Generation

A funded proposal is a new way of doing business, in which network marketers make money to fund their advertising endeavors and gain new prospects for their network marketing business as well. It's not too difficult of a process, if you know what you are doing. It starts off with using one of your marketing vehicles to generate leads by capturing information through making a sale.

In essence, having a funded proposal system in place is basically allowing your business prospects to pay all or most of the expenses that you accrue through promoting your business. For most people the true payoff in MLM will have 2 or 3 years from now - with consistent effort. Most people give up long before this point, simply because they are tired of dealing with a negative cash flow situation. What if there was a way that you could set up a system where you could generate cash rolling in daily, even if none of the prospects join your business. This is what happens with a funded proposal system! You generate the lead through your opt-in landing page. Then you build a relationship with that lead over time.

But you are not only building a relationship, you are also setting up a way for you to profit, even if they don't join you in your business. The fact is most people lose more money on buying leads than they really make back in terms of profits! That's why many people with tight budget constraints are going to quit the business. What a funded proposal system can do, is to solve the 2 big problems which are MONEY and LEADS.

The product should be associated with the opportunity your involved in. The information should serve your end result which is to build your main business opportunity. Also to develop leaders and build a fresh warm market list.

Let's get back to the quote again. What do people really want? A hole (solution). You expensive drill (opportunity) will definitely make that hole, but people don't want to buy your drill because they don't like being sold to and they don't know if your drill will even work for them. Now if you can't sell your expensive drill which is how your money is made, then what do you sell them? Down the road, if and when the timing is right you can introduce your backend (opportunity) to them. However at this time you have developed a relationship with them and they perceive you as someone they know, like, and trust.

Billy Vaughn is a successful entrepreneur who has been involved in network marketing since 2004. He now builds his business primarily online via internet marketing. For a limited time, Billy is offering mentoring to those serious about achieving success online. http://CreditsToCash.com/r/boogie40. For More Information Go Here.

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