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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Needs To Succeed as a Wealthy Marketer

There are so many ways to try and make an internet business successful. There are only a few things that actually produce results. How do some people make small and large fortunes with their websites, while most continue to lose their shirts? What are the secrets of internet wealthy marketers? Pay close attention because what seems obvious to some makes most people oblivious. The easiest way to rack up huge profits online is to sell software and digital technology. There is no shipping, no inventory, and no cost to duplicate software.

This means 100% profits. Another important factor is that software can be downloaded instantly. In todays society of instant gratification, many solutions are possible for getting what you want, when you want it. Nothing is easier than clicking a button and receiving an instant download.

A large percentage of the most successful internet marketers have made their fortunes selling software. Let's expand and begin to understand what the 7 secrets of a wealthy marketer are realy about. 1. You need to market real products. When you also have a product that provides real value, it can create referrals like wildfire. You want your product in the spotlight.

They say bad publicity is better than no publicity, but why not have a positive light shed on your product? If you are going to take the time to set up a business, you might as well do a little research finding and choosing a good product to offer the marketplace. 2. You need the ability to get paid immediately on all of your sales.

It is always best when you are in control of the money. If you have to wait around to get paid by some middleman company, it can put you out of business overnight. Imagine if you rack up a ton of sales and the middleman suddenly goes out of business. There goes all of your profits, and you might be up the creek.

It's happened to myself twice. Steady cash flow is vital to any successful business. It's not only vital to keep your bills current, but expansion capital can be the difference between survival and success.

3. You need a way to effectively advertise, that also doesn't break your bank in the process. Advertising is the key to any successful business.

Some people put all of their eggs into one basket. They buy a years worth of advertising from some company before they even test it. This is crazy.

Advertising should always be tested on the smallest possible scale to see if it proves profitable. The best advertising is FREE advertising. And there are many effective ways to advertise on the internet for free. Cost or no cost, the bottom line is how much do you spend and how much do you make.

If you spend $100 to make $50 you will be out of business quickly. Every penny counts. Don't let yourself get nickled and dimed. 4. You need the right tools to automate your marketing process, to increase your daily sales consistently.

The internet offers many tools to automate any business. Look at auto responders. They are essential. Imagine if you had 1,000 new customers a week. Can you imagine the manpower and time it would take to contact each one of them individually? Utilizing FAQ (frequently asked question) pages and offering an informative website are two things you can do to keep your phone from ringing off the hook.

5. You need a way to leverage yourself, so those you sign up become a sales team for you. to create more revenue for yourself. and have a system in place so your sales team never slows down. Creating an affiliate program or duplicating your marketing system for others is the key to big money.

You can help put someone in business, and help them do the same thing you do. You are on your way to big bucks if you can build in a small profit percentage. 6. You need training and support from real-life mentors who are already successful.

Mentors who are making multiple six-figure incomes now. It is so much easier to succeed at something when you have a proven model. When someone else has succeeded before you, you truly know it's possible. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel. We live in a world with almost 7 billion people.

If every person in the world gave you just one cent, you would have almost $70 million dollars. 7. You should consider working from home.

Starting a home based business is a lot easier these days due to the power of the internet. Working your business from home triples your chances of success. You can avoid the additional overhead of a retail store, phone lines, furniture, etc by working directly from home. There are home businesses and programs that really work.

there are some businesses that are fully automated. It takes work to start and succeed with any business, so don't be fooled by companies who claim to do all of the work for you. Do your research. Seek and you shall find. The only shortcut in life is to know that there are NO shortcuts. Put everything into what you do, and you too can become a wealthy marketer.

There are real internet opportunities out there. You just have to be aware. => Wealthy Marketer

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