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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Powerful Article Marketing

Money Making Articles in Todays Marketplace Picking Articles for Your Niche Site Pick the articles for your niche sites very carefully to ensure that you are able to successfully get traffic and gain profit from these sites. If you are going to try and utilize free website content articles, then it may be difficult for you to find ones that have your exact keywords, so you may have to either make revisions to the articles (which may not be allowed on some free articles) or base your keywords on the articles that you find (which could leave you with very competitive keywords that would take a lot of time or money to attain a high ranking for). If you plan on purchasing content it is always good to inform the author what niche keywords you are using and what your preference in keyword usage is. Remember, the wrong articles can leave you with little traffic and very low search engine rankings if they do not fit in properly with either your niche or with keywords that are easy to attain high rankings for. Making Money with Articles: Optimal Article Length When choosing an article for your website, make sure that it is a length that is optimal for search engine optimization efforts. Articles that are as short as 200 words or as long as 500 words should fit into this category.

Even if search engine optimization is not your goal, it is still a good idea to keep your articles at this length for your reader's sake. They are likely to not finish your page if it is any longer. This could leave them receiving only half of the information you wanted them to have or leave them with the impression that your site is too "wordy". Many of the people who hit your site will not read a web page like they read a book. Do this even if it means cutting one big idea into four or five articles. Be sure to label them so that the reader can pick and choose which part they want to read or so they know what is coming up next to help them determine if they want to continue reading.

Making Money with Articles: Letting Others Use Your Articles Let others use your articles, along with your byline which will tell visitors who wrote it and how they can contact you, on their website. This will help to promote your own website and bring you in traffic through the search engine optimization and promotional efforts of others. For you this means absolutely free marketing just for writing a quick article about a subject that you are already familiar with.

The more people who use your article as content at their website, the more potential traffic you will receive. Most webmasters look to utilize SEO methods as well as PPC campaigns and banner exchanges to attract traffic. These are advertising methods that either take a lot of time or a lot of money and they will be absolutely free for you just because you placed your articles where others could use them. There are many places on the Internet that offer to post your article so that others may view and/or use it. What I would suggest is you find every article directory out there on the web and submit your article to all of them.

Let me also suggest you use a great tool called Article submitter, it is a software that can help you optimize your time posting your articles. Copyright (c) 2007 Aurelio Aranda.

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