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By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Searching For Good Expired Domains

Domain name traders are one busy set of people, who are always on the edge of their seats to grab up very good expiring domain names. Finding very good expired domains on time and within your limited budget is a great task and an intelligent act. Domain name traders are always very eager to search for good expiring domain names. They always ask to themselves- Where the hell is my expired domain name? To find very good expired or expiring domain names, you may wish to learn and understand the basic aspects of finding a soon-to-expire domain name much before than others.

Here are some very simple and easy to understand techniques that will help you identify and buy a good expired domain name in a flash and beat your competitors with their hands down: List down the names of expired domain names that you already own: Right now, you may own a series of domain names. You may wish to buy an expired domain name that does not repeat these names. In fact, it is wastage of money to buy expired domain names that are similar in their name, phonetics and structure. This is quite obvious, but an important fact! Research, Research, Research: You will need to know, when those soon-to-expire domain names actually expire and become orphan. This seems to be the most precious secret of a successful domain name trader. When you prepare a list of soon-to-expire domain names, you can really get ready to book and grab those domain names.

This will be an ongoing process that is continuous and streaming. Know where the potentially good domains are: Before buying an expired domain, you should know the previous owner of the domain name, the credentials of the domain and its Whois data. This will help you in contacting the owner before the auction of the said domain. Use Sophisticated Software Applications: An experienced expired domain name trader will own an arsenal highly sophisticated software tools to grab those expired domain names much before other actually do. These tools will not only help you find a good expired domain, but also assist you in bidding your best rate before others suggest theirs.

Dedication and Perseverance: No one can survive domain trading business unless he or she shows utmost dedication and perseverance towards the business. You will need to focus and self motivate to survive in the business by buying the best possible expired domain names. If you ask where your expired domains are, they are right in front of your own eyes. All you have to do to is to apply your energy, mind and resources towards finding good domain names. Finding money spinning domains expired is also a task that needs your skills and intelligence. These are basic and vital steps recommended finding very good expired domain names.

You may wish to follow them in details to grab that eye catching and potentially money making domain.

John Khu is an author and also a seasoned professional with vast experience in expired domain name business. He is the owner of the path breaking web site called http://www.expireddomainsecret.com which provides complete and up-to-date information on expired domains and their eternal secrets.

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