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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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You may think that business schools are not for you, but don't dismiss them so easily. Even after you receive a four-year degree, you may find that this is something you want to do. You dont have to enroll for a full degree at a business school, sometimes you can just take a few courses that you need, and then be on your way. If you want to know how to run a computer, learn shorthand, or want to know the ins and outs of running a travel agency, business schools can be just what you need. A few years after I finished college, I found that I just wasn't happy with the direction my career was going. I made some phone calls, and looked at some of the business schools in my area.

I thought perhaps business schools were just for secretaries and travel agents, but I soon found a program that offered me computer training. Since I was very interested in working with computers, this was just what I needed. A year later, I had a diploma degree and the first job I truly enjoyed. Business schools are great in many regards.

The programs are usually one or two years long, and you can have your choice of what classes you want to take. They also have flexible schedules, and you can take your classes strictly at night if you have a day job like I did. Not only that, you have the same financial aid opportunities that you get with a college or university. If you feel your career is in a rut, you may just need a few courses to get you moving again. This may help you land a promotion, or give you a new direction in your career. If you aren't even sure what you are looking for, but feel the need to expand your education, have a look the business schools in your area to see what they have to offer.

All you have to do is give them a ring, and you will be connected with someone who can help you decide what is best for you, and what your options are going to be should you decide to go. Today, you can even find business schools online, and you may be able to complete your courses from the comfort of your own home. Some courses can't be completed this way, but you may find that some of the ones you want can be done with the use of your computer screen and your modem exclusively. Even if you don't need any career help, you may be surprised how wonderful it feels to learn something new at any age.

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