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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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The Reasons You Wont Succeed In Network Marketing

Before you read this article know that it's not meant to discourage. The point of this article is to educate you on the main pitfalls of the beginning network marketer. Once you know those pitfalls you can better learn how to avoid them. Education is the one thing that will set you apart from the struggling new home business owner. To start, the first main pitfall of new network marketers is lack of action.

Now lets make the distinction between the two types of action. The first type is what I see most new Networkers do is what I call busy action. This type of action kills new home business owners.

This is the type of action where you can find 14 different things to do other than build your business. You know exactly what I'm talking about, this is what is termed "getting ready to get ready." I suffered from this for about three years and I try to help others break away from busy work.

The second type of action is revenue producing action. This type of action is how you make your money, mainly talking to prospects and getting your advertising out there. Well now that we're talking about advertising that leads me to my second downfall. The second downfall is when network marketers have a severe lack of marketing dollars. If you're not investing in your business then you're obviously not taking it seriously anyways.

This is what Jeffrey Combs refers to as a "hobby" not a business. If you want a hobby income then treat your business like a hobby. If you want a full time income that you can quit your job with then treat it like a business. So a marketing budget for every month is essential. The third downfall is a general lack of people or prospects to talk to.

If you aren't in daily contact with people you aren't being productive. Having a lack of serious prospects will kill your business fast. On the other hand, having an abundance of prospects will put you into a totally different mindset. This will put you into a prosperity mindset and will really explode your business. The last downfall of new home business owners is underdeveloped skills.

You MUST learn new skills if you want to be successful in this industry. New skills are essential to your advancement not only in this industry, but as a leader. Once you start adding value to yourself you become more attractive in the prospects eyes. When prospects actually think they can learn something from you then they will want to join you. I suggest you start getting yourself educated and learn new skills.

This will not only help your business, but it will also help your confidence. In the end the skills you have will decide your fate, so start adding value to yourself today.

Westly Lager can show you how to develop a successful internet business regardless of your prior experience. See how by checking out his personal website at My Internet Business and Abunza

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