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Top Affiliate Marketers Tips
By Mike Banks Valentine
Monday, November 15, 2004; 1:20pm EST

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Three Timetested Methods for Getting Free Targeted Traffic

For many new marketers who have just come online, they are tempted by many of the advertising services that promise huge amount of traffic to their web sites at extremely low cost. These services included the following: - Ad Blasters - Autosurfing sites - Guaranteed Traffic - Search Engines Submission - Safelist marketing Most of these services do not work and are a waste of your hard-earned money. Even if they do work, the results are usually pathetic. Furthermore, the traffic you received is usually not targeted to your niche. You have to understand that you do not need huge amount of traffic to your web site to make money. What you need is targeted traffic.

And here are three of the best methods to get targeted traffic for free. 1. Online Community Sites Forums and messages boards are examples of online community sites.

There are thousands of forums and messages on the Internet that you can participate and thus you need to spend some time to find those that match your niche. The best way to use the forums is to provide answers to questions posted by other members of the forums. If you do this often enough, you will gain great credibility and other members will start to view you as an expert! Now, the important thing to do here is to leave your signature in every post you make. The signature is the only place where you can advertise your product or services. It usually consisted of a 4 or 5-line description and a hyperlink to your web site. However, most experienced marketers do not advertise their products or services directly.

Instead, they use their signature to drive traffic to their lead capture page to capture the name and email address of the visitors. In other words, these experienced marketers are building their own opt-in list. 2.

Link Exchange This method requires you to contact other webmasters and persuade them to add a hyperlink on their web sites that point back to your web site. In return, you also put up hyperlinks on your web site that point back to their web sites. This method can give your web site a great boost in the search engines ranking if you do it correctly. A good strategy is to exchange links with other webmasters who has a product or service that compliment yours. If your product is related to credit repair, you can consider exchanging link with another webmaster who offers a debt management service.

This way, you are providing more value to your visitors and prospects when they arrive at your web site. 3. Article Submission Many new marketers think that writing articles is too difficult and shun away from this simple but effective traffic generation method.

However, article writing is a skill that can be learned. Simply enter 'article writing' into any major search engines and you will have a ton of free information that shows you how to write good articles. And you do not need any special software to do this. Windows Notepad is all you need to get started. For each article that you write, you will include a resource box that contain a description and a hyperlink to your web site. This is similar to the signature you use when posting messages to a forum.

If your article is interesting and informative, the readers of your article will likely follow the hyperlink in your resource box and visit your web site for more information. Most of the popular article directories allow you to submit your article for free. Your articles are subject to approval by the owners of these article directories. A few of them may offer you a quicker review and listing of your article for a nominal fee. However, this is usually optional. All the methods outlined above have been proven to drive targeted traffic to your web site.

The result may not be significant in the beginning but over time, the stream of targeted traffic to your web site will start to grow. All it takes is a bit of time and effort on your part to put these techniques into action.

Stephen Chua is an online marketer who use various methods to generate free traffic to his sites. Find out how you can unleash a tyhoon of unstoppable traffic to your site by creating your own traffic funnel.

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